Wedding Gowns

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2014-02-03 20:20:14Z | | http://codecarvings.comEntrust your treasured wedding gown to the professionals at Tailoring While U Wait. We offer the most detail-oriented, expert wedding gown, bride maids,  flower girl and mother of the bride dress tailoring. We will show off the best in your gown. Wedding Gown Accessories – Veils, Tierra, Bras, Gloves, Etc… Paddings are available

Last minute formal ware adjustments available.

David’s Bridal, Macys, JC Penny, and NY Glitz are a few of the stores that recommend us.

​After your wedding day, your bridal gown becomes the most precious garment you have ever worn. Entrust your gown to us for the ultimate in care, cleaning, treating, repairing and protective packaging. With many years of experience to draw upon, we are the perfect choice for the care of your heirloom! Our unique process protects fabrics from dust, bacteria, moths and other airborne pollutants that destroy your gown’s loveliness.

​ We are a company that is able to provide the individual and personal touch that your gown deserves. With our special cleaning techniques and unique vacuum sealing process, our wedding gown specialists guarantee their work to preserve your heirloom and the memory of your special day for generations to come!

Bridesmaid’s dresses, Mother of the Bride outfits, and flower Girl dresses can be turned into other styles to get more use out of them after the wedding.·